While having cameras in dorms makes sense in terms of practicality and physical security in the school, it does not capture the full sense of insecurity and unsafety that many students will naturally feel with such a huge invasion of privacy.
There are many reasons for cameras to be installed. Pranks in one another’s rooms… People sneaking in… but there are so many consequences of adding these technological devices that seemed to go unnoticed by administrators. While many people may say it is to “protect the students” by eliminating chances of external threats, I dare to argue it does the exact opposite of that.
Of course, it immediately diminishes any sort of decency someone might have in the comfort of their home. The right to remain unwatched in an environment when we are almost always being watched. The right to privacy.
This actually raises many questions and hypotheticals for me. What if a young, female student, a minor, were to walk into the hallway without a shirt on? That footage would be in the school system, no? Would that not automatically be a lawsuit for child pornography if it gets leaked? Isn’t that a big risk to take and for what in return? The potential security of said student?
In the end we need to decide what and how students feel as I believe since they are the ones living in residence halls, their voices matter the most.