When you wish upon a star asking to be pretty like mama;
when you wish upon a star hoping to make new friends on your first day;
when you wish upon a star pleading for the stress of assignments and responsibilities to vanish;
when you wish upon a star begging for your family to cooperate and be understanding, asking for forgiveness, and hoping they will have a sliver of consideration that maybe I didn’t want this either, that maybe I’m not the one to entirely blame, that maybe this could’ve been avoided had I just been taken seriously;
when you wish upon a star in hopes that maybe one day living at home wouldn’t be like living in an Airbnb with strangers;
when you wish upon a star calling out for someone to guide you as you navigate a new school in a blistering cold state with howling wind and snow so white that one could think it was sugar;
when you wish upon a star asking how time flew by so quickly;
when you wish upon a star yearning for the ivory envelope to gracing your palms, its sharp edges laced with acceptance into the next chapter of your education;
when you wish upon a star longing for the days when it was simpler, when you weren’t drowned in exams, 8am classes that you so carelessly picked your freshman year, and lab reports you forgot to record
– then you will understand why cherishing every moment of your youth is far more important that you realize.