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Broken bottle isolated on white background
For years and years and years, you’ve sat…
Alone, freezing in your cold-tempered home.
Your plastic skin glittering among the mist,
Simmering; contents steady, tasteful, and fizzling…
Bubbles giving away your bliss.
You smile out to the outside world;
Labels masking your true emotions,
Watching people interact and pass by,
As you begin to slowly crack…
Your contents still settling back.
Then one day you see the light;
The radiant heat breaking you down.
You feel yourself shaken, too much to handle.
You ask yourself, ‘What is this scandal?’
Like a bottle of coke exposed to Mentos,
Your entire world begins to explode.
The bottle breaks and cracks and blows,
Like wounds and scars finally being exposed.
The liquid continues to overflow;
Running free like a broken tap,
Like a flood of tears running past.
This volcano, once dormant, setting off an eruption so vast.
The liquid keeps going and going and never stops,
Your contents from the past making its way to the surface.
Oh, no longer can your true intentions hide,
This cracked bottle of emotions — forever a thorn in your side.